Ig post 3 djela (3)


To publish your listings you need to be registered first as Pin ‘n’ Go Ambasador.To check if you are registered all you have to do is go to menu button, than on drop menu choose option"Edit Account".When the page opens find part Account type and it will show "Your curent type is _____". If it says that you are registered as Pinger you can switch that with click on button"Switch to Pin 'n' Go Ambasador", then save that change.

Now you're ready to publish your listings. Go to menu again and choose Add Listing which is located on the bottom of that menu if you're on the phone, or in the top right corner if you're on PC.

When page opens choose listing type, choose package, fill up the form and publish listing

For more information contact our team through platform chat or through e-mail address: info@pinngo.me.

To check if you are registered all you have to do is go to menu button, than on drop menu choose option"Edit Account".When the page opens find part Account type and it will show "Your curent type is _____". If it says that you are registered as Pinger you can switch that with click on button"Switch to Pin 'n' Go Ambasador", then save that change.

For more information contact our team through platform chat or through e-mail address: info@pinngo.me.

If you are performer that lives out of Montenegro border but wants to be hired on our seaside through the summer season and wants to present yourself to the organisers in Montenegro, we can make that possible on our Pin 'n' Go platform.

Please contact us through platform chat or through e-mail address: info@pinngo.me  for more details.

You can do this through Explore page where listings will be shown through categories. You can specify your search through filter usage.

For more information contact our team through platform chat or through e-mail address: info@pinngo.me.

Pin 'n' Go Ministers will for at least 24h check your listing and send you feedback is the listing accepted or denied, if denied will send you what changes need to be made to make it acceptable.

Please enter valid contact information so Pin 'n' Go Ministers can contact you.

For more information contact our team through platform chat or through e-mail address: info@pinngo.me.

That depends of your type of listing. If your listing is Type of event than please contact our team through platform chat or e-mail address: info@pinngo.me.

Listings for Places or Hire for eventhigher places on Pin 'n' Go platform are getting through public ratings. To get higher place on platform all you need is to get better rate on your listings from platform users/consumersAlso it is possible to get additional promote for you listing, to get that all you need is to contact our team through platform chat or e-mail address: info@pinngo.me.

For more information contact our team through platform chat or through e-mail address: info@pinngo.me.

Yes. Have in mind that even when you get reservation through Pin 'n' Go platform, all comunication executes directly with you and organiser of that event without involving Pin 'n' Go team

In case you got your reservation through our platform and on the entrance they say that Pin 'n' Go team didn't report your reservation, please report organiser using screenshot of our conversation with them as proof of your reservation. 

For more information contact our team through platform chat or through e-mail address: info@pinngo.me.

Of course. Account doesn't set listing limits no matter if it's for events, places or your services as performer.

Platform already has specified packages but if Pin 'n' Go Ambassadors want custom made package we will gladly meet the needs!

All questions, doubts, remarks etc. you can contact our team through platform chat or through e-mail address: info@pinngo.me.